News18 Odia’s exclusive documentary series Manima Mahima to showcase the global devotion for Lord Jagannath

'Manima Mahima'

National 6th July 2022: Rathyatra – also known as the festival of Chariots, celebrates Lord Jagannath’s appearance before his devotees. Held every year at Puri Dham in Odisha, the celebration of the ‘Lord of The Universe’ is now a worldwide phenomenon with countless devotees. News18 Odia has always captured the festive spirit with its unique and innovative programs. This time, the channel is bringing alive the global festive fever of Rathyatra with a week-long documentary series titled Manima Mahima, which explores untold stories of Rathyatra and Lord Jagannath.

As part of News18 Network’s constant endeavor to deliver quality content, Manima Mahima will eclipse around every belief and untold tale related to Rathyatra through 9 episodes, broadcast from July 1-9 from 8:30pm, only on News18 Odia. The exclusive stories will touch upon highly educated servitors working for Shree Mandir, child servitors of Shree Mandir, evolution of Rathyatra festival, unique services of Rathyatra, foreigner devotees of Lord Jagannath, family relationship with Lord Jagannath, Prasadam of the Lord, and the unique forms of Lord Jagannath, namely ‘Dadhibaamana’ and ‘Patitapaban’.

Thousands of devotees across the globe visit Puri Dham once a year to get a glimpse of their Lord Jagannath. The famous Chariot procession of Puri is believed to be the oldest in the world. News18 Network will cover all such known and unknown trivia about Rathyatra, one of the most popular Indian festivals, exclusively on News18 Odia.

Tune into News18 Odia from July 1st to July 9th, 8:30 pm onwards, to know the legacy behind celebration of Lord Jagannath and get acquainted with the global devotion for Rathyatra.

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