Wearing Helmet may protect you from COVID-19 Steelbird’s Unique Video Message meant for Genx


New Delhi, 14th September 2020: Steelbird Hi-Tech India limited, Asia’s largest Helmet manufacturer, has recently launched a video on social media that captures the importance of the use of helmets not only for road safety but also as a protective gear to keep the riders safe in these times of Covid-19 pandemic.

The video beautifully showcases how the rider wearing the Steelbird Full Face Helmet did not contract coronavirus while the other rider who was without the helmet tested Covid-19 positive because of the droplets from sneeze falling on his face. So, Steelbird Helmets are designed in a way to ensure complete safety on the road; allows citizens to meet the requirements for minimizing contact thus keeping them safe from the pandemic and mishaps on roads.

Commenting on the video Mr. Rajeev Kapur, Managing Director, Steelbird Group said, “As we are all adapting to the new normal and people are back to work preventive measures are necessary if we want our cities to work and prevent the virus from spreading. Good quality helmets with a lot of R&D are the need of the hour as they are a practical and safe solution as two-wheelers are gaining significance due to social distancing.”

In technical guidance on mobility during COVID-19 times, the World Health Organization (WHO) had recommended two-wheelers as the safest means of transport as it is useful for social distancing. Even the experts and industry players anticipate that two-wheelers along with the helmet would play a pivotal role for commuters until the time we overcome this pandemic.

“With the ongoing restriction of public transportation, two-wheelers are the best available option. It is being encouraged as a way to avoid unsafe crowding on trains and buses and the helmets further add to the safety of the rider. Thus, Coronavirus is showing us that helmets are an indispensable asset, it is now more than ever essential. Increase in use of two-wheelers with mandatory helmets will help in keeping a safe distance and avoid deaths due to accidents.

Therefore, this video aims to capture the very essence that we should encourage and give more importance to the use of helmets. A good quality helmet can contribute to preventing a second wave of the Coronavirus pandemic. As bikes are being encouraged to reduce congestion and person-to-person contact, helmets can act as a safety gear during both mishaps and prevent the rider from contracting Coronavirus.” added by Mr. Kapur.

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