How to Scale Your Startup Sales in 2020


Growth is the goal for every company that exists.  Unfortunately, a big mistake many businesses make is thinking that their advertising and lead generation can run the same way despite the size of the company changing.  You can scale your scales, your advertising,  and your customer relations with a few changes that put value back into your company.

Here’s how to scale your sales and encourage that growth to keep going as your company picks up pace.

Think About Your Company’s Purpose

What is the root belief, skill, or item that your company offers?  Consider how this differs from other companies and consider how you can make this clear to your leads and customers.  You will need to prove your company’s worth in a way that you can believe in, and your potential leads will be more likely to have faith in it as well.

Make a mission statement out of this purpose, and use the ideals you set to advertise your company effectively.

What’s Your Demographic?

This information is something you should consider before you start up your company.  Who are you trying to sell your product?  Who could most benefit from your service or product?  From there, research what platforms or sites these people would use, what time of day they’d be more active, and what kind of advertisements would work best on them.

This information is vital since you’d want to advertise to women over fifty on Facebook, but younger people of any gender are more easily caught on TikTok or Twitter.  Advertise in a way your audience would connect with, and find them at their level.

What Image or Personality Does Your Company Show

Your advertisements should show some flavor of personality.  Think about what attitude your company gives off, and how you can make that into almost a character with which your customers can interact.  You don’t have to be as sassy or extreme as Wendy’s is on twitter– but you can use an artificial personality like this to garner attention and give your leads an emotional connection to your company.

Work On How You Bring In Leads

There are dozens of ways to bring in leads; it’s vital that you think about passive ideas that inspire leads to click your website.  These include SEO, PPC, and things like social media integration.

Search engine optimization will pull in leads faster than any other type of advertising.  This plan can be achieved by hosting articles on your site, creating guest articles on other sites, or riddling your website with searchable terms.  Companies that have blogs on their site get clicked more often and are more likely to turn those clicks into customers.

Pay per click is even more passive since it’s classic advertising that finds your customers and pulls them in.  With proper advertising, from short videos for youtube ads to static images to go through Google Adsense, you can see which type of advertisements work best for your company.

Social media is vital for every startup.  Twitter and Instagram are like storefronts for many companies, that help funnel customers directly to their websites.  This type of advertising means that they can reach a possibly unlimited number of leads, and will open options for how to advertise.

Look At Past Data

Review what types of advertising has worked for your company in the past.  This option will also help you see what hasn’t worked and can give you the push you might need to drop advertising or communicating styles that don’t work for your company.

If you don’t have much information on your advertising practices and results yet, now is the time to collect it.  Knowledge is financial power and will give you the support you need to feel confident in any changes.

Check Your Pricing

If your sales are going up, now is the time to review your product and pricing.  Your business isn’t a can of Arizona tea that permanently has a price stamped on it.  As you grow, rework your product, or have the power to revalue it- your price should increase to some degree.  This work will give your company more money to invest back in itself and give you the chance to think about whether your product can be improved.

Retrain Your Team

No change is complete until your entire team has been trained on it and understands the transition.  Take ideas from your unit, anything from how they would approach advertising, to how your sales meetings can become a personalized experience.  Explain how any changes you’re making will help the company and let them know what steps to implement these changes and do their part.  Your company is only as reliable as its least informed employee.

Follow Up To Ensure Changes Work

Once your changes are completed or are well underway, go over what information you gather from your changes.  If the changes don’t seem to be working right off the bat- give them a little more time.  Don’t wait longer than a quarter before declaring something successful or not, but also don’t waste time on anything that may damage your business.  You have to think about what will benefit your company in the long term and groom your advertisements and company to fit that mold.

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