RV University Signs MoUs with KidzCinema and Culture Cinema

Bengaluru, 23rd November, 2022: RV University (RVU), an innovative, tech-driven, new-age global university for liberal education, hosted India’s First Teen Indie Film Awards (TIFA) 2022, which is a unique event curated for teenagers and budding artists within the age group of 13-19 years to showcase their innovation and aesthetic instincts. The films selected for TIFA 2022 featured entries from student filmmakers exploring personal and universal themes ranging from intimate and reflective essay films on being a teenager to heartfelt documentaries on nature and environment conservation, thriller fiction, Sci-Fi, and even experimental cinema.
At the TIFA 2022 RV University signed two Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with KidzCinema and Culture Cinema respectively. It is a long-term collaboration to explore academic and real-life training in film making. In addition to the other aspects of the collaborations, the MoU also assures curational guidance and mentoring for RVU student organisers of the Teen Indie Film Awards (TIFA), by Mr. Praveen Nagda, who joins the TIFA advisory board as a guide-patron, from the event’s second edition.
Dr. Piyush Roy, Founder – Mentor, TIFA & Dean, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, RV University said, “Being at a film festival is perhaps the ultimate testament to the power and persuasion of the film. Cinema and film festivals are increasingly being conceived, curated, and watched across age and interest groups. It acts as a collaborative platform that brings people together to celebrate art and humanity. Hearty congratulations to all participants, nominees, and winners. ”
Speaking at TIFA, Dr. Y.S.R. Murthy, Vice Chancellor, RV University, Bengaluru said, “I am deeply impressed with the entries of students from across India and their creativity. The themes covered by them ranged from environmental conservation to other profound existential issues. We wish to organise more such events in the coming years. I compliment the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, jury members and student organising committee for their contribution.”
Speaking on the MoU signing, Praveen Nagda, Founder Festival Director, KidzCINEMA and Culture Cinema Film Festivals: “We are extremely happy to partner with RV University, Bengaluru as there are great synergies with the work being done by us and our academic partners. Cinema always impacts masses and works towards bringing in behaviour change in the society, thereby adding to the education and learnings delivered by the academic institutions. Our children and youth form our societies of tomorrow, and therefore when academic institutions and creative organizations work together on them, it triggers a nation-building activity. We hope that both our festivals will also gain from the tremendous academic expertise and student participation available through this MoU.”
On partnering with KidzCinema and CultureCinema, Dr. Piyush Roy, Founding Dean, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, RV University: “Partnering with KidzCinema and CultureCinema, will not only enable our students, first hand opportunities of real-life training in film curation and exhibition, but also open access to two valuable, relevant and global film festival platforms to showcase their film works”.
TIFA 2022 screened a shortlist of 18 films and nominees from all over India including Bengaluru, Guwahati, Ballari, Mysore, and Pune among others. Another unique aspect of this film festival is that the whole organizing committee comprised of the students from RV University with eminent jury members including Debjani Halder, Assistant Professor of Filmmaking, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, RVU; Deepa Ganesh, Executive Director, Centre for Visual and Performing Arts, RVU; Nikhil Dayanand, Assistant Professor, School of Design and Innovation, RVU; Ranjan De, Programme Head of Communication Design, School of Design and Innovation, RVU; and Piyush Roy, Dean, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, RVU.
The awards were distributed among winners from various categories. The award winners in each category were – Best Documentary (Lingambudhi Lake by Preetham Raj and Shreshth Juptimath from Government PUC College, Mysore), Best Essay Film (Work in Progress by Harshitha N. J. from School of Design and Innovation, RV University), Best Story (Nandana Pradeep from School of Design and Innovation, RV University for Who Am I?), Best Technical Achievement (Rudraksh Uniyal from Indus International School, Bangalore for Unitiled.mp4), Best Actor (Devarshi Singh from School of Design and Innovation, RV University for Whoami), Best Director (Arjama Bhattacharya from the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, RV University for The Journey), and Best Film (Ankita Sarmah Bardoli of Cotton University, Guwahati for Xomadhan – The Solution)