A 67 year old woman with stage IV Endometriosis Successfully undergoes Complex Surgery At Apollo Spectra, Mumbai
Mumbai: A team headed by Dr Dimple Chudgar, Gynecologist, Apollo Spectra Mumbai, gave a fresh lease of life to a woman with Stage lV Endometriosis Suffering from many year. he patient who had a previous history of 3 complex surgeries for endometriotic chocolate cysts underwent successful surgery for the fourth time. Now, she has resumed her daily routine with ease.
Shanti Kumar Sharma (name changed), a 67-years-old resident of Mumbai experienced abdominal pain. She got her menopause at 49 and had undergone 3 3 complex surgeries. Prior to menopause, the first surgery was laparotomy where right ovarian cystectomy was done. The second surgery was also a laparotomy where the left ovarian endometriotic chocolate cyst was removed. The third surgery was a laparoscopy where bilateral endometriotic cysts were drained in 1998. She was unmarried, and over years, the patient redeveloped a big cyst which was conservatively Managed for since last 20 years by Dr Dimple.
Dr. Dimple Said, ‘‘On arrival on July 6, the patient had severe abdominal pain that interfered with her daily routine. In a clinical trial confirmed an endometriotic cyst with stage lV endometriosis. It is the most severe stage of endometriosis and involves deep implants on the pelvic lining and ovaries. She was scheduled to undergo laparoscopic left salpingo-oophorectomy + lap para ovarian cystectomy + lap adhesiolysis + endometriotic fulguration of multiple intra abdominal adhesions.”
Dr. Dimple added, “This was a complex surgery as primary entry was a challenge during multiple surgeries. There was extensive adhesion in the abdomen, and to reach the uterus and ovaries, extensive adhesiolysis had to be performed. We entered the abdomen with utmost care and vigilance as she had multiple surgeries and entry was difficult. But, With utmost safely, part entries were accomplished, and surgery was completed uneventfully. Previous 3 open surgeries were done in other city hospitals. The surgery lasted for 3 hours, and the patient was discharged on July 7. She is regularly following up with us. Here, the quality of life would have been compromised further due to severe pain.”
“I was alarmed when I noticed symptoms such as pelvic pain, lower abdominal pain, bloating, and weakness. I tried many home remedies like hot compress, drinking water, and lemon juice, and even consulted many doctors but my condition didn’t improve. My world came crashing down after the diagnosis of the cysts and I had to undergo surgeries too. All these years, the cyst led to discomfort and a panic-like situation. It was traumatic and painful for me. Currently, I again had to opt for surgery for an endometriotic chocolate cyst which is an unknown entity to me. I thank the doctors for treating me promptly. I hope to bounce back soon and wish to resume my daily routine like before. I am thankful to the doctor for managing me for so many years, ”concluded the patient Shanti Kumar Sharma (name changed)*.