XIM University inaugurates 2nd phase of its PG programmes in the online platform

MBA-SM (2021-23), MBA-UMG (2021-23), MURP (2021-23), MBF (2021-23), MA – Mass Comm (2021-23), MPPG (2021-23), M. Sc – Economics (2021-23) and Doctoral Program of the Respective Schools

XIM University which freshly re-named itself for stronger brand building, yet again set another feather in its cap by launching the 2nd phase of its PG programmes in the online platform on Monday, 9th of August 2021 amid the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic.

After successfully launching its flagship programmes in the recent past and starting theonline sessions on record time, the University held its 2nd inaugural program for the other PG programmes offered here. The opening ceremony was held for MBA – Sustainability Management, MBA – Urban Management & Governance, Master’s in urban & Regional Planning, MA – Mass Communications, Masters Programme in Public Policy & Governance, M.Sc. – Economics for the Batches of 2021 – 2023 along with the Ph. D programmes of the schools under the University.

The inaugural ceremony was chaired by the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Fr. Antony R. Uvari, S.J., along with the Registrar, Fr. E.A. Augustine, S.J., the Deans of the respective schools, the Chief Finance Officer and the Deputy Registrar, New Campus, XIM University. The Associate Dean, Admissions, Prof. Bikram Kumar Bahinipati gave an
overview of the profile of the incoming students followed by the faculty introductions of the different schools by the respective Deans and subsequently the inaugural address by the Vice Chancellor, Fr. Antony R. Uvari, S.J. The inauguration ended with the vote of thanks by Fr. S. Antony Raj, S.J., Deputy Registrar, New Campus, XIM University.


Covid-19 has compelled Universities across India, and the world indeed, to suspend physical classrooms and shift to online classes. With the foresight to provide quality and uninterrupted education, learning and knowledge to the students, XIM University embraced technology and re-equipped itself to provide the best learning environment to the students with latest in Information and Communication Technology.

The University is one among the few Universities in the country which has gradually and very effectively shifted to online delivery and mode of education to make available the best of the resources and technology to its students in the current scenario to hone their skills with a meticulously designed curricular and co-curricular curriculum.

The Vice Chancellor in his speech warmly welcomed the incoming batches to the University and spoke in-depth about, what the University stands for: its vision, mission, values with a focus on integrity, excellence, and sustainability. He stressed that every student should uphold the higher education degrees and create value for the society.

He also focused on digital thinking as the new normal for higher education in the global world. He very enthusiastically cheered the students and told them to perform exceptionally in their fields with honesty and enhance their learning with the wide array of resources available in the University. He requested them to imbibe the XIM University values and ethics in life for a bright future ahead!

The University consistently strives to create effective and efficient leaders for tomorrow! “We live what we preach or say!” – Fr. Antony R. Uvari, S.J., Vice Chancellor, XIM University.

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