IIPM Honors Jawahar Foundation with Bharatiya Manavata Puruskar for its exemplary contribution to the society

Riju Jhunjhunwala

Mr. Riju Jhunjhunwala, a renowned philanthropist and industrialist from the LNJ Bhilwara Group and founder of Jawahar Foundation, received the award from Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri.

New Delhi 1st September 2022, The Indian Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM) honored The Jawahar Foundation with the Bharatiya Manavata Vikas Puraskar for treading that extra mile with the commitment to bring about a change in society.

Through inclusive growth and development initiatives, Jawahar Foundation is dedicated to the welfare of the communities in Rajasthan. The programs are designed to impact the community across all areas that impact humanity, focusing on those which bring about positive change and upliftment of society.

To eradicate hunger in Rajasthan, Jawahar Foundation started a community kitchen by the name Swabhiman Bhoj which serves nutritious & clean meals at Rs 1 to all. Currently operating in Ajmer, Banswara, Bhilwara & Jaipur, the foundation has served more than 3,50,000 meals in the span of just 1 year. Experiencing a daily footfall of approx. 1600 beneficiaries across the centres, the foundation is planning to open 10 more swabhiman bhoj centres by the end of next year. The foundation is dedicated to providing healthcare for all. During the pandemic, the foundation supported the local medical authorities in Ajmer & Bhilwara to quickly set up multi-bed Covid Care Wards & installed Oxygen Distribution Pipelines at the major hospitals. It also provided the local healthcare centres at Pushkar and Gulabpura with Oxygen Generators of 45 Lpm each. Rajasthan has one of the lowest literacy rates in the country at 67.1% and has the lowest female literacy rate of 52%. Jawahar Foundation aims to bridge the gap in education opportunities by focusing on transforming the education landscape through a digital literacy programme by the name of “Swabhiman Shiksha” through which approx. 8000+ students have benefited. The program has resulted in a 23% increase in attendance at government schools. Apart from these various initiatives in the areas of food security, education and healthcare, Jawahar Foundation is focusing towards providing safe and hygienic drinking water to the people of Rajasthan and shall continue to work for the welfare of the society. …

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Riju Jhunjhunwala said “I am honored and humbled to receive this award on behalf of the entire team of Jawahar Foundation. The team has been relentlessly working towards making a positive difference in the lives of the people of Rajasthan. I firmly believe that the fortunate ones should come forward and help the less fortunate by whatever means possible and contribute to society and make an inclusive growth model. I am confident that there are no challenges that we cannot circumvent and overcome as humans. The award rejuvenates us to strive harder and work with more conviction to fulfill our goals for the betterment of our communities. My heartfelt thanks to team IIPM and Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri for this recognition and encouragement.”      

Dr. Arindam Chaudhuri, Honorary Director, IIPM said “Jawahar Foundation, under the leadership of Mr. Riju Jhunjhunwala has achieved great heights within a short period of time. It is this immense passion for service to society and the desire to create a self-reliant community is that makes the Jawahar Foundation a model for others to follow and emulate. We are confident that the great work done by the Foundation is not only improving the lives of the communities in which they are operating but also inspiring other social entrepreneurs and social service organizations to make a positive difference to society. Heartiest congratulations to Mr. Riju Jhunjhunwala and team.”    

About Jawahar Foundation

The Jawahar Foundation is an initiative by Riju Jhunjhunwala, a renowned philanthropist and industrialist. The foundation is an NGO and primarily operates in different parts of Rajasthan including Ajmer, Banswara, Bhilwara and Jaipur. Jawahar Foundation is committed to the welfare of the communities that it operates in, through inclusive growth and development programs.

Operating since October 2019, Jawahar foundation has carried out more than 300 programs ever since. Jawahar Foundation is dedicatedly undertaking short to medium-term projects that bring immediate impact over different verticals like, healthcare, education, water & environment, food security and employment generation. Currently, the foundation operates a food security program under the banner of Swabhiman Bhoj which serves meals at INR 1 and has served more than 3.5 lakh meals till date.

About IIPM (The Indian Institute of Planning and Management)

IIPM is a private academically independent, self-financed and autonomous not-for-profit society registered under the societies act of 1960. The institute is known for designing unique certificate programs in Planning and Entrepreneurship.

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