Pacific D21 mall begins unique campaign ‘Face of Dwarka’

Delhi: Pacific Mall Dwarka, through its unique initiative ‘Face of Dwarka’, honoured the citizens of Dwarka who have been selflessly making a significant contribution towards the development of region. The twelve people selected for the gratification and honor came from different walks of life but had one thing in common, their continuous and dedicated efforts to make the city orderly and lively.SDM Dwarka Mr. Pankaj Roy Gupta was Chief Guest of the event while Bollywood actress Minissha Lamba attended Face of Dwarka as the celebrity guest.
The 12 personalities honored by the mall included Piyush Mohanty (SDM Headquarters & SDM DDMA South-West Delhi), Daisy Ahuja & Yashika Gandhi (Dwarka Connect Community),Jayesh Doshi (Patel Community, Dwarka), Ajit Swami & Robin Sharma (ADRF, Dwarka Community), Kajal Chanana (Dwarka Moms Community), Air Vice Marshal Rajiva Ranjan (Sekhon Vihar RWA Community), Dr. Meinal Choudhary (Director- Akash Healthcare), Dr. RK Tandon (Chairman, Kamal & Trinity Educational Institution) Chandeep Bharara (Wing Cdr- Air Force & Naval Officers Encalve, RWA Community), Amog Lila Das (Vice President, Iskcon Dwarka Community) Mini George (ANHLGT Community, Dwarka) & Vishal Gupta (Radio Dwarka).
Abhishek Bansal, Executive Director, Pacific Group said, “We always give priority to social values in our initiatives and try to connect the people of Dwarka with their surroundings. Face of Dwarka is an initiative planned so that the people of the city can get to know and recognize the unsung heroes whose contribution makes Dwarka safe, organized and ideal region to reside.”