FTCCI held an interactive meeting on Business Opportunities in Africa

Hyderabad, June 29, 2024…..FTCCI(Federation of Telangana Chambers of Commerce and Industry) organized an interactive meeting on Business Opportunities in Africa on Friday at Hotel Hyatt Place, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.

Srinivas Garimella_Meela Jayadev_AK Pramod Kumar_Chakravarthi AVPS at the interactive meeting

Africa, with its rich natural resources and rapidly developing sectors, presents a wealth of business possibilities Today’s event is an opportunity for potential investors who have a keen interest in harnessing the potential of Africa’s dynamic business environment, said Meela Jayadev of FTCCI in his presidential address.

Since most of the African countries are vying with each other to develop and improve the standards of living of people, the countries are focusing on infrastructure development and creating facilities to attract investors globally, Meela Jayadev said

Mr. A. K. Pramod Kumar Kathigasu, Business Development Head – AP & Telangana, Arise Integrated Industrial Platform explained in detail the various opportunities. Another advantage is, goods can be exported to Europe from Africa at zero tax. This provides a huge opportunity for investors to get high returns and expand, he said.

Africa is a fast-growing continent and many international investors recognize that there is enough of money to be earned there. This program was organized to create awareness of investment opportunities in Africa. The general impression that still prevails in many people is that Africa is still an underdeveloped country. That poverty is very high, people are not highly educated. Several countries in Africa have undergone economic reforms and are one of the best places to invest, when compared to other countries in other regions, said Srinivas Garimella, Chair of the Industrial Development Committee.

This is an opportunity to explore the wealth of business possibilities in Africa across diverse sectors such as Agriculture timber, textiles, cashews, fruits, rubber, spices, minerals, glass, construction, Food Processing and others, stated Chakravarthi AVPS, Chair of the International Trade Committee said.

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