Mass Mask Distribution drive initiated by MyTeam11 in Jaipur

Jaipur, September  2020: MyTeam11 one of the leading fantasy sports platforms in the country and Jaipur’s homegrown brand today announced the initiation of a Mass Mask Distribution Drive across several areas of Jaipur.

The drive is aimed at supporting the front line COVID warriors who have been working tirelessly to help the citizens of the city and keep them safe during these tough times. Starting from Karni Vihar Police Station where more than 250 masks were distributed, the drive will move across several other police stations of Jaipur for the next seven days to equip them with the basic necessity of the new normal.

Vinit Godara, Co-Founder and CEO of MyTeam11 who is at the forefront of the drive said, “We have recently been able to resume our operations and we can’t thank our security personnel enough who have risked their lives every day to keep the city safe even during the worst days of the pandemic. This is our small tribute and contribution to them for keeping the city running.”

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