Is the Internet safe? Connect with the #CleanInternet campaign of Troopel and share your views

January 2021: The Internet, Smartphones, and social media have made our lives much easier and more entertaining, but if you look closely you will see how deeply the contents on the internet have affected our psychology and personality. Keeping this in mind, online view platform launched the #CleanInternet campaign to create awareness in society about the contents that circulate on the Internet. With the aim to make the Internet a clean, secure, and informative platform, the campaign #CleanInternet is inviting people to share their good/bad experiences, views, and suggestions.

What type of content on the Internet do you like the most? How are the contents appropriate for your children? What methods do you use to keep your web browser clean? Have you ever been a victim of cybercrime? What do you understand by a secure internet browser? You can share your opinions related to many such questions in a video form under this #CleanInternet campaign.

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