Supertails’ digital presence gets hacked by Crime Master Doggo

Supertails gets hacked

Digital petcare startup, Supertails, has announced that its website, Instagram account and WhatsApp messaging service have been hacked by a dog that goes by the name, Crime Master Doggo.

So far the dog, who has clearly taken the persona of the hugely popular 90s villain, Crime Master Gogo, has taken over the Instagram feed, stories, and DMs of the brand where he has been blackmailing real customers for treats.

On the website, he has started to hand out treats to people who visit as a rebellion against the brand for not meeting his demands. In this response, Supertails Co-founder, Varun Sadana has decided to reach out to his peers on LinkedIn looking for a solution to this challenge. It is interesting to see a well-funded business being brought down to its knees by the ‘indestructible power of puppy eyes’.

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