“Manglik” A Musty Notion….

Mr. Umang Taneja, President and founder of JTR Astrological Research Institute

By Mr. Umang Taneja, President and founder of JTR Astrological Research Institute

Today also in India superstition is not seen as a deterrent, but as benign interventions that help live a risk-averse life

When ever marriage is to be finalised between a boy and a girl horoscope are matched from ages and a as tradition.During this horoscope matching its matching for a boy it is desirable to analyse: Longevity, Health, Profession, Child bearing capacity, Character and Good Nature of the prospective bride. Same is in the case of girl if we are need to find a groom for her the prospective bridegroom should have all the above qualities. Nothing else is required to be analysed for a happy married life for boy or a girl. For analysing above factors all the planets in a horoscope have to be seen and it can’t be decided from a single planet. However, from last few years a word has been coined in astrological circles called Manglik. Its mere fear of unknown. Since common man does not have any idea about it and the assumption is if a Manglik marries non Manglik the later will either die or will have death like sufferings whole life.

Why are even the most cultured Indians suspicious about ManglikDosh.There is no theory that indicates that the marriage between a Manglik and non-Manglik will spell doom. It’s a disbelief a “MYTH”

Since this word has been widely known nowadays, thanks to internet, astrology softwares and print media parents of the prospective groom and bride are very cautious about it. There are 12 houses in a horoscope and if Mars is in either of 1,2,4,7,8,12 houses from either Ascendant or Moon i.e. 6 of the 12 houses each from Ascendant or Moon native becomes a Manglik according to so called astrologers. Hence there will be hardly a person on earth who is not a Manglik. More so some astrologers are also of the view that same positions of Mars have to be seen from Venus too.

A simple future of a person i.e. his education, profession, marriage, health, travel etc. everything has to be seen from his horoscope then why he or she can die from the horoscope of spouse? Since the word is handy on your mobile during any auspicious occasion like marriage no one wants to take any chances.

Now the question arises why Manglik has been so famous? This is because its easy to find Mars in a horoscope and since there is hardly any person on earth who is not Manglik if fatality happens blame goes to it. What benefit so called astrologer gets in coining this word? This is simple to understand that if there is anything unknown to a common man money can be generated through it. Its fear of unknown hence there is money in this. You will find astrologers warding of this evil through some poojas or remedies without any guarantee.

Simple thing to understand is for analysing anything in astrology all the planets, signs, houses etc. have to be analysed and all events of life are to be analysed through individual chart. No one can die or have a problems from anyone’s chart whatsoever.

Shed fallacies; it is time we practice our education. Accepting Manglik Dosh shows how other-wordly we are as a society.

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