dbExpress Drivers Now Support RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney

dbExpress Drivers Now Support RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney

Photo by luis gomes from Pexels

Prague, Czech Republic: Devart, a recognized vendor of database management software, ALM solutions and data providers, released updated versions of its dbExpress drivers. The Czech vendor stays on top of software development, thus the new drivers got support for RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney.

The recent update of dbExpress drivers include:

Support for RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney — applies to dbExpress Drivers for Oracle, SQL Server, InterBase and Firebird, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.
Support for JSON data type — another improvement in dbExpress Driver for MySQL.

Devart dbExpress Driver is a lightweight, cross-platform interface for accessing data from SQL database servers in Delphi and C++ applications. The key benefits of Devart cross-platform dbExpress technology are direct access to database servers using native libraries and data type mapping between database and Delphi data types.

For more information about Devart dbExpress Driver, please visit — https://blog.devart.com/dbexpress-drivers-with-support-for-rad-studio-10-4.html

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