ABP Ananda hits a record 8mn views on YouTube, becomes the first Bengali news channel to achieve this milestone

ABP Ananda hits a record 8mn views on YouTube, becomes the first Bengali news channel to achieve this milestone

Kolkata, October 14, 2022: ABP Ananda, the leading Bengali news channel of the country, has once again proved its mettle as it remained an undisputed winner in the Bengali heartland by becoming the first Bengali news channel to gain 8 million subscribers on YouTube.

ABP Ananda, launched on June 1, 2005, went live on YouTube on June 1, 2012. ABP Ananda marked the channel’s 10th anniversary on the platform this year. During its 10-year journey on the platform, it has received 3.5 billion video views and 36 billion impressions across YouTube.

ABP Ananda has a history of pursuing ethical, significant, and result-driven journalism. Their sincere goal has been to provide comprehensive up-to-date news coverage and high-quality content on all topics and pressing challenges of West Bengal and other parts of the world to its Bengali viewers.

ABP Ananda recently held its extensive Durga Puja special programming Sharad Ananda. This year’s program received an incredible response from the audience. Thanks to Sharad Ananda’s captivating content it kept viewers hooked to their screens and gave ABP Ananda’s partners the ideal chance to connect with its viewers.

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