XIM University hosts The Seventh Annual Convocation (Virtual)

XIM University hosts The Seventh Annual Convocation (Virtual)

XIM University which recently underwent a name change in May 2021 successfully hosted its Seventh Convocation in the Virtual mode on Monday, 23rd of August 2021 at 4:30 PM for its Doctoral, Postgraduate and Undergraduate programmes.

A total of 812 students graduated from various doctoral, postgraduate, and undergraduate programmes offered by the University. The detailed breakup of students who received their degree for various programmes are mentioned below:

The number of students receiving the degrees for the doctoral, postgraduate, and undergraduate programmes are 07, 697 and 108 respectively.

The convocation is yet another occasion, the University commemorates with great enthusiasm as the young minds of the institution venture into the world of today with immense zeal, vigor, and learning experiences to make a mark of their own taking their alma mater to newer heights.

XIM University hosts The Seventh Annual Convocation

Shri. Harsh Pati Singhania, President – All India Management Association (AIMA) and Vice Chairman & Managing Director, JK Paper Ltd. was the Chief Guest and the Convocation Speaker for the event. He is also the Chairman at the Development Council for Pulp Paper & Allied Industries, Member-Governors Board at International Management Institute, Member of UK-India Business Leaders Climate Group and Member-Association Council at Central Pulp & Paper Research Institute and on the board of six other companies. He holds a MBA degree from University of Massachusetts and is an alumnus of Harvard Business School, USA. On the eve of the 7th Convocation, XIM University conferred Honorary Doctoral Degree upon Shri. Harsh Pati Singhania.

Among the eminent dignitaries present were Fr. Jerome Cutinha, S.J., Chairman, Board of Governors of XIM University, Shri. Rajive Kaul, Emeritus Chairman, Board of Governors of XIM University, Fr. Antony R. Uvari, S.J., Vice Chancellor, XIM University, Fr. E.A. Augustine S.J., Registrar, Fr. V. Arockia Das, S.J., Chief Finance Officer, XIM University, Fr.
S. Antony Raj, S.J., Deputy Registrar, New Campus, Deans of different schools and Officials of XIM University. Few of the elite Board Members also graced occasion.
Prof. Shridhar Kumar Dash, Dean (Academics), Xavier Institute of Management warmly welcomed the guests and audience in the online platform.
Fr. Antony R. Uvari, S.J, Vice Chancellor, XIM University in his Vice Chancellor’s Report elaborated the achievements of the University in the past year. He mentioned that we have been able to harness the rich legacy of XIMB with our university and are now XIM University, the old and the new integrating to create a richness of growth and development despite of the challenges. He stressed that XIM University focuses on “Building Humans of tomorrow, while harboring humility in our hearts.”

As the Convocation Speaker, the Chief Guest of the evening, Shri Harsh Pati Singhania addressed the gathering with his words of inspiration. Congratulating everyone, he stated that the process of transformation into successful professionals brings challenges, but the learning imparted during one’s time at the University will guide the graduating students ahead in life. The only way to stay forward is to constantly evolve and remain relevant in this rapidly changing world.”

He emphasized that “some failures are inevitable, in fact there is no such thing as failure, it is just life’s way of drifting us towards our destined path. “Loyal and efficient work is a great cause, even though it may not be immediately recognized, it will inevitably bear fruit.”

The top rank holders across schools were felicitated with Gold Medals virtually by the Chairman, Board of Governors of XIM University for their Academic Excellence. The list of rank holders is attached herewith.
Finally, the event came to a successful end with the vote of thanks by Fr. S. Antony Raj S.J., Deputy Registrar – New Campus, XIM University

Quote by the Vice Chancellor:
“We build the citizens of tomorrow with humility in our hearts and grace of God on us”, Fr. Antony R. Uvari, S.J., Vice Chancellor, XIM University.

Quote by the Chief Guest:
“Agility and adaptability are two important traits of today’s successful leaders.” Shri Harsh Pati Singhania, Chief Guest & Convocation Speaker

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