Hebrew University of Jerusalem invites applications for MSc in Environmental Quality Sciences

Hebrew University campus

New Delhi, January 6, 2022: The MSc in Environmental Quality Sciences has been designed to make students understand and address the challenges of global environmental issues, such as alternative water and energy resources, water and soil pollution treatment, waste recycling, agricultural intensification, environmentally sustainable pest control, and plant protection.

The multidisciplinary program is taught by academic staff from the Robert H. Smith Faculty’s Environmental Quality and Natural Resources in Agriculture department and the Agricultural Research Center’s Volcani Institute. This program is curated in a way that students benefit from the experience of leading scientists in environmental quality sciences while taking part in innovative, groundbreaking research in the lab.

The program will help students acquire practical knowledge and hands-on experience. The courses cover broad areas of scientific research, such as environmental microbiology, ecology, soil and water, economics, weed control, botany, and plant protection. The common denominator of these diverse fields is the goal to understand and promote processes that affect and improve the quality of the environment and nurture a sustainable agricultural environment for future generations.

Program delivery

Taught entirely in English, the fully immersive one-year program leads to a non-thesis Master of Science in Agriculture majoring in Environmental Quality Sciences. After successful completion of the first year, qualified graduates can be reviewed for admission to the thesis track for the second year of studies to earn a thesis degree and continue for a Ph.D. degree either in Israel or elsewhere. Upon completion of their studies, most alumni return to their home countries, where they hold key positions in industry, education, academics, research, NGOs, and government organizations.

Website:  https://intschool.agri.huji.ac.il/msc-env

Admission process:

Students applying for the MSc in Environmental Quality Sciences program are required to submit their applications at http://hsr.huji.ac.il/ and fill in the application. Students can also connect with Ms. Nurit Ben-Aharon, International MSc Programs: nuritbe@savion.huji.ac.il, and Ms. Miriam Elbaz, International MSc Programs: miriamelb@savion.huji.ac.il for any further assistance and information.

Admission Cycle:

The admission cycle for the MSc in Environmental Quality Sciences program is open for all international students with an application deadline of March 11, 2022, for students applying with scholarships, and June 30, 2022, for students applying without scholarships.

Admission Requirements:

The program requires students to have a B.Sc. degree from a recognized university in a relevant field – agriculture, land and water resources, agricultural engineering, chemistry, ecology, environment, soil science, etc. Students are required to have a GPA of 80 or above (B- on the letter scale) along with at least 6.0 on the IELTS English proficiency test. While relevant experience is recommended, it is not mandatory.

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