Financial Markets is the most subscribed business course on Coursera in 2021


Financial Markets course by Yale University has emerged as the most enrolled business course in India in 2021. Financial Planning for Young Adults by the University of Illinois is another business course made to the top ten list, indicating a growing interest in financial markets and investment advisory jobs.

During the pandemic, the world witnessed a stark contrast between the massive job losses in hard-hit sectors such as tourism, retail, and construction, and the positive job growth in industries like technology and finance, as per The Future of Work After COVID-19 report by McKinsey Global Institute. Skills, knowledge, and cognizance about the current finance market help learners increase their chances of getting hired by leading financial companies.

The Financial Markets course by Yale University intends to set a foundation by teaching the basics of financial markets and corporations. The learners benefit from the in-depth teaching about stocks, bonds, dividends, shares, market caps, insurance and CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) by diving deeper into behavioral finance, forecasting, pricing, among other financial aspects.

Here is the list of the ten most popular business courses of 2021 in India:


S.No.   Course Name   Partner Name
1 Financial Markets Yale University
2 AI For Everyone DeepLearning.AI
3 Foundations of Project Management Google
4 Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills University of Michigan
5 Excel Skills for Business: Essentials Macquarie University
6 Brand Management: Aligning Business, Brand and Behaviour University of London
7 Communication Strategies for a Virtual Age University of Toronto
8 Marketing in a Digital World University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
9 Introduction to Public Speaking University of Washington
10 Financial Planning for Young Adults University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


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