Exclusive Material Research Centre at Saveetha Dental College

Exclusive Material Research Centre at Saveetha Dental CollegeChennai, 26 December 2022: White Lab is an exclusive Material Research Centre at Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences is an open research platform with numerous in-house facilities housing cutting-edge research instruments for material science. Several noteworthy cutting-edge instruments include Nano Computerized Tomography System (Bruker, Skyscan 2214) is the South East Asia’s First CT system that can scan samples upto 50 nm with 4 panel detectors and a range of filters, resulting in the scanning of samples of almost any type ranging from a micro-level to a nano-level of details.

Our Confocal Microscope (Leica, Stellaris 5 WLL), unlike other traditional confocal microscopes, consists of a White Light Laser as the source of illumination, thus giving complete spectral freedom in the imaging of the specimens. Our Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (Jeol, JSM IT-800) is one of the most advanced scanning electron microscope that can be used in imaging samples upto 0.5-nanometer resolution and magnification that can scale up to 2 million times, with an array of detectors that can be used for elemental mapping, crystallographic analysis and many more.

Our Surface Testing Platform (Anton Paar, Step 700) with Integrated Atomic Force Microscope (Nanosurf, NaniteAFM) is the next level of surface testing systems that includes micro-hardness measurement, nano-hardness measurement, and a scratch platform in which the retentiveness or the quality of coatings can be analyzed. With the atomic force microscope, surface characterization can be done as 3D images with qualitative analysis of surface roughness. With our X-Ray Diffractometer (Bruker, D8 Advance), material characterization can be taken to a further step above with highest accuracy in characterization of elements in material science. With our Universal Testing Machine (Instron, Electropuls E3000), mechanical parameters of the materials such as Compression, Tensile, Flexural strength which includes both static and dynamic testing, can be assessed at very good accuracy. Our other instruments are the Chewing Simulator with an Integrated Thermocycler (SD Mechatronik, CS-4.4) and the Brushing Simulator (SD Mechatronik, ZM-3.8) are the only instruments to exist in a private university in India. With State-of-the-art facilities and an open platform for diverse research applications in the field of material science, we provide an excellent opportunity for students, scholars, researchers, and even industries to venture into the depths of the material science field.

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