SBI General launches a heart-warming digital film #JoBhiHoHumDekhLenge to underline the importance of health insurance this Diwali

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Mumbai, 22, October 2022: On the occasion of Diwali, SBI General, one of India’s leading General Insurance companies, unveiled a digital film #JoBhiHoHumDekhLenge that focuses on the significance of health insurance. The digital film depicts how we often ignore our health while providing for our loved ones and aims to encourage people to invest in health insurance plans this Diwali in order to have a healthier tomorrow.

The poignant film highlights a father’s contribution to fulfilling each family member’s wishes by keeping his aspirations on the back burner. The video depicts an emotional connection when the father receives a surprise gift in form of a health insurance policy, serving as a reminder for him to put his health security first amidst the chaos of fulfilling the day-to-day living needs of the family. The film’s narrative encourages people to prioritize their financial security while handling monetary responsibilities.

SBI General aims to propagate the message of security and reliance through this campaign. In such scenarios, SBI General is proud to “protect the protectors” i.e., those who work hard to give their families the finest care possible without expecting anything in return. Diwali is the perfect opportunity to give them the gift of security through health insurance. It highlights the fact that the one who takes care of the whole family, the SBI General stands by them and reiterates #JoBhiHoHumDekhLenge.

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