Monthly Economic Report of August 2021 highlights India’s resilient V-shaped recovery – Dr. Manoranjan Sharma, Chief Economist, Infomerics


“Monthly Economic Report of August 2021 highlights India’s “ resilient V-shaped recovery”. The Report does well to marshal a wealth of economic and financial data and information to clearly bring out “broad-based and swift recovery of both demand and supply-side components”. While the overall macro-economy augurs well for sustained development, this process needs to be carefully monitored because of the ongoing process of vaccination, fears of a third wave of COVID19 and Delta variant concerns, low base of the last year and the skewed southwest monsoon in terms of its spatial and temporal distribution. Clearly, the worst seems to be behind us and with dynamism, flexibility and resilience, India is likely to steadily move ahead”. Dr. Manoranjan Sharma, Chief Economist, Infomerics

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