JLL Quote | Views on Monetary Policy

Dr. Samantak Das, Chief Economist and Head of Research & REIS, JLL India
Dr Samantak Das, Chief Economist and Head of Research & REIS (India), JLL :
Uncertainty, resilience, and growth prompt status quo of policy rate
The unexpected global headwinds propelled by the new Covid-19 variant to the economic recovery prompted Reserve Bank of India to maintain the policy rates. RBI has kept the policy rate unchanged for the ninth time as it has been trying to support growth and rein inflation. Indian economy grew better than expected by posting 8.4% growth during Q2 FY22 indicating the strength of the economy. The accommodative stance and gradual normalisation measures also signal that economy is on the firm path of growth. Indian economy has demonstrated its resilience to uncertainty in the past and it is expected deal with it more prudently in future.
The growth registered by the real estate sector in Q3 2021 is likely to continue and to end this year on a positive note. In Q3 2021, residential sales witnessed an upward trajectory, increasing by 65% on a sequential basis. This sector is expected to benefit from a regime of low mortgage rate, coupled with duty waivers, realistic property pricing and attractive offers leading to affordable synergy.