MCCI organizes a session – Role of cities in combating climate change on 5 June, 2023

Chennai: The Madras Chamber of Commerce and Industry(MCCI), under its Sustainable Chennai Forum organizes a session on “Role of cities in combating climate change”. The virtual event will be held on 5th June 2023 on the occasion of World Environment Day.

Cities are key contributors to climate change, as urban activities are major sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Statistics show that cities are responsible for 75% of global CO2 emissions. However, the fact remains that urbanisation cannot be avoided.

To create awareness on how cities can still fight climate change, MCCIorganizes this 7th Sustainable virtual talk between 4.30 pm and 5.45 pm on 5th June 2023 – Monday.

Mr. S.Anantha Krishnan, Secretary General, Urban Economic Forum, Toronto is the Speaker. He will talk about how major cities across the globe approach this issue and what Chennai can try to emulate.

Anyone wish to participate in this session can do the free registration at–urzosGNecF3adxSl7PvafO1Cybhhi OR contact 044 -24349452.

Mr. S.Anantha Krishnanhas over 40 years of rich experience includes serving in UN Habitat and UNEP, in Nairobi, Kenya. Currently he works as a consultant forthe Government of Norway.

The Madras Chamber of Commerce and Industry formed a “Sustainable Chennai Forum” in its 175th year 2011. The Chamber has been holding numerous workshops/sessions covering areas like Renewable Energy, Water Conservation, Waste Management, Urban Greening, Electric Vehicles among others.

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