WeClinic™ Doctor Reverses “Incurable” Myth for 12-Year-Old Child Patient with Leg Deformity and Osteoarthritis

Uttar Pradesh: 15-year old Rishu, a resident of Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh), is a jolly, high-spirited kid who likes going to school every day and wants to become a doctor when he grows up. Up until a few years back, Rishu was suffering debilitating leg deformity – which led him to being bedridden for years, impacted his academics, and made his life extremely difficult overall. Being diagnosed with Bone TB and Osteoarthritis, Rishu’s physical growth (body weight, height etc.) also became stunted and his mental/emotional well-being also took a toll! But thanks to WeClinic’s Dr. Deeksha Katiyar’s intervention, Rishu has now been able to go back to living a normal, healthy life.

According to Rishu’s parents – who come from a humble lower middle-class family background in Kanpur – the problem began at a very early age during his adolescence. When Rishu was not able to walk properly even when he was more than 3 years old, his parents started getting worried. On consulting a reputed orthopedic doctor in Kanpur, it was found out that Rishu was suffering from Bone Tuberculosis (Bone TB).

While Rishu started standing up on his feet and walking only after he turned 5; however, owing to his severe leg deformity, he was not able to walk properly, and even when he did, was unable to cover longer distances. Besides, he also suffered from chronic pain and swelling (near the knee area). Owing to the mounting ailments he was facing each day, running and playing with his friends/peers were obviously out of question for him.

Despite consulting several renowned orthopedicians in the city (Kanpur), Rishu’s condition and suffering was only worsening. As a matter of fact, a couple of the (ortho specialist) doctors had also told his parents that Rishu’s condition was “incurable” and that he would need to live with it throughout his life! Although he got temporary relief at times after taking the allopathic medicines prescribed to him, the pain always returned back stronger and more excruciating, thus making his life and childhood “a living hell” of sorts.

Just at a time when Rishu’s parents were on the verge of giving up hope, they got to know about Dr. Deeksha Katiyar of WeClinic™ Homeopathy from a neighbor, who recommended them to visit Dr. Katiyar’s clinic in Kanpur. And so they did; though little did they know back then that Dr. Deeksha would emerge as the ‘life savior angel’ for their son who was a 12-year-old back then.

After reviewing Rishu’s case history in detail, Dr. Deeksha Katiyar spoke to Rishu and his parents at length to find out about his current situation and its physical, mental and emotional implications and manifestations. She also suggested a few diagnostic tests to be done, via which it was found out that Rishu was also suffering from Osteoarthritis as well as Vitamin and Calcium deficiency.

Speaking about the case, Dr. Deeksha Katiyar, Co-Founder & Consulting Physician at WeClinic™ Homeopathy says, “After studying in detail, I realized that Rishu’s case was one of its kind wherein both hip and knee joints were adversely affected thereby causing unbearable pain. When I deep dived into the totality of the symptoms and the possible trigger factors, it was easy to find out one single homeopathy-based constitutional remedy for the same. In addition, I also prescribed him a few Calcium and Vitamin supplements. While his treatment plan from our end was initially focused around providing relief from pain and swelling, but later on I took into account other symptoms too and aimed at holistic cure. Additionally, I also suggested a diet plan and a few exercises for Rishu to do at home. As a result of the treatment at WeClinic™, I was happy to see that Rishu was back on his feet and as active and healthy as any other child of his age. Most importantly, he was able to get rid of his deformity completely, which in turn gave him and his parents a major emotional boost.”

Vinod Kumar (Rishu’s father) said, “Although we visited multiple leading doctors in Kanpur, it didn’t help because Rishu’s pain was still persistent. One of the senior doctors even advised to hang a brick to his leg for pain management but that only got him temporary relief. After consulting Dr. Deeksha, his condition distinctly improved over time and has helped him get cured completely. We are eternally grateful to her and the WeClinic team for making this ‘miracle’ treatment a reality and enabling our son to get back on his feet.”

After Rishu started following the treatment plan suggested by Dr. Deeksha, his condition started improving gradually within a few days. And only within two weeks, he had started walking without any support and his pain was also reduced to a great extent. Thereafter, over the next 3-4 months, the pain and swelling vanished completely and the deformity in his leg also disappeared, as a result of which he was able to walk and play just like any other kid of his age.

3 years since, and the team at WeClinic has been regularly following up with the case; and so far, Rishu has shown no signs of the problem reoccurring or relapsing. He is now a hale and hearty youngster who is able to live a normal life and lifestyle and enjoy his teenage years to the fullest. His parents couldn’t be any happier to have witnessed the “miracle recovery” of their child.

Since its inception in 2019, WeClinic™, with its affordable healthcare solutions, has emerged as a ray of hope for many patients like Rishu whose families could not afford expensive surgery or treatment or ones who had no hope of getting cured with mainstream allopathic treatment. As of date, WeClinic™ has served over 1 lakh patients across India with its two-fold approach of physical clinic and tele-medicine, and has also in parallel achieved the feat of having a 97 per cent cure ratio of their patients. At the same time, they have successfully created an unparalleled credibility and reputation by providing treatment of an array of diseases and disorders such as arthritis, PCOD/PCOS, piles, fistula, fissure, spondylitis, renal stone, gout, male sexual disorders, and many others.

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